Friday, December 14, 2018

Communication 101

This is our last week blogging about communication. What I've learned from this class is, communication is a multi-level concept. When you say communication, it has to be understood that there's different levels of communication. And it's different when you're communicating with someone who's not familiar with your country communication ways. There's verbal and nonverbal communication. Verbal and nonverbal communication is different from the sexes, men communicate differently than women do.
Movies are a great way to show you how we communicate, because we tend to not see or believe anyone who tells us otherwise. We like to think that we are a master of communication, but we really aren't that great at it. We depend more on nonverbal communication than verbal communication when we are dealing with anyone. We watch their body language...right now you can even search up "7 types of body language to see if your date likes you" or something like that.

Communication, it's intricate and complex.

Have a great day and remember to communicate with each other; we need it to survive.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Is it horror if it's we experience it...firsthand?

This week we learned about rhetoric and analyzed how it's used in figurative ways. To me this reminds me of movies and how they can mirror and reveal our inner most deepest parts of our souls, we don't want anyone to know about. Horror movies do that same thing. For instance the movie Scream, the reason it's frightening is because no one truly knows who is underneath that mask. The idea that there could be someone you know or even you, yourself behind the mask. Now that's terrifying. The fact that a killer can be amongst us, is unsettling. Which is why I believe that franchise did so well. People came to watch the movie and got a rude awakening because it's showing how anyone of them can turn into an animal.

The next movie franchise that does this well is Saw. Now when this movie first came out I was terrified. I was a pre-teen and really didn't find Billy amusing. Billy is the puppet that rides in on the tricycle. And then he asks if you want to play a game. The entire franchise, is built on the idea of karma. Everyone in the franchise has done something to someone and it has caused a ripple effect that leads right back to the main character. So the main character puts these people through several games and challenges, and one by one they die. They die because they won't admit their wrong doings. This franchise shows us that as a society we would rather face the consequences than deal with the truth, we are a prideful society who can't admit their wrongs. Instead we lie, lie, lie through our teeth; we lie to the point that it becomes our reality.

Rhetoric is all around us, but we rather ignore it and pay attention to the nonsense. Acknowledge that it's there, it's there for a reason. Accept it.

Meanwhile here's a video about billy, this one is funny, not as chilling as he is in the franchise. Enjoy.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Is it that obvious?????

This week we learned about rhetoric and the functions rhetoric holds. While constructing this post, I wondered about rhetorical questions...they are asked but the person asking already knows the answer. So with lie-detector tests, do they give you the test KNOWING that you're lying and that they already know the truth??? Or is it working in your favor and you know you're telling the truth. This reminded me of the movie Meet The Parents, in the movie the boyfriend (played by Ben Stiller) is hooked up to  a lie detector machine and is administered the test by Robert De Niro. I couldn't help but wonder, why was Ben Stiller character given the test by Robert De Niro, even though Robert De Niro character is a CIA agent. He should know these answers already, but he stills asks them just so he can catch Ben Stiller character in a lie; and the hence proves that he's unfit to marry his daughter.

Friday, November 16, 2018

A Real Man???!!

This week we learned about gender communication. For this post let's examine the image of of masculinity. First off, what is a man? Now whoever is reading this, I'm sure a picture of a man came to your mind. But for once, what makes a man, a man? And not biologically but what are the physical aspects? Because if I were to tell you that a man is supposed to be over 6 feet tall, you would contest to the fact that there are short men out there, no? Or what about hair, if it's too long? What about if it's too short? Can you think of a man's man? Who comes to your mind? What if those men started to cry out of nowhere? Would they still be considered a man's man? Or will crying suddenly be a popular thing to do???? There's no true definition on what a man is. Except for biologically. There's so much that I can say on hyper masculinity, I could make several books about it. But just to remind you Men can and should cry and show emotion. Just don't ridicule women for doing and showing emotions, men have them too; they're just conditioned to suppress it. Here's a link of hyper-masculinity looks like in the media...

Friday, November 9, 2018


This week we learned about conflict and how conflict can be used in a positive way, if it's treated properly. We also learned that if conflict is not taken care of, it can lead to disastrous results. Anger Management a film that debuted in 2003, shows how a man (Adam Sandler) withholds from engaging in conflict and then entire movie, he's pushed towards the edge of conflict and he has to learn how to deal with it.

We also learned about how to deal with conflict in a positive way. Mean Girls (one of my favorite movies) shows how passive-aggressive behavior can lead to chaos.

Throughout the movie, every character exhibits some sort of passive-aggressiveness and each character, one by one begins to turn into the one thing that they've been running from. Mean Girls and Anger Management both show two extremes of conflict and how we can either ignore it and let it eat us alive OR we give into it and become the same thing that we hate.... isn't that so FETCH????????

Friday, November 2, 2018


In class this week we learned about intercultural communication, which occurs between two cultures. Intercultural communication is very important. BUT, it can lead to using many stereotypes when you first encounter it. Rush Hour one of my favorite movies as a child shows this communication happening front and center. I remember when it came out and whenever anyone couldn't understand someone they would yell "DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH." Just like Chris Tucker did in the movie. In fact that entire friendship between Lee and Detective Carter (the characters in the movie) uses intercultural communication and there's a conflict between Detective Lee and Detective Carter because of it. Below is the first encounter that the characters have. Detective Carter is meeting Detective Lee for the first time and because Detective Lee is Chinese, Detective Carter amuses that Detective Lee doesn't understand english.

But after their first encounter Detective Lee sees that Detective Carter had a preconceived notion that he doesn't speak english, Detective Lee decides to stay quiet for the first half of the movie; leading Carter to stereotype Detective Lee by bringing Lee to chinatown and much more. 

We also see it when Detective Carter enters a bar, he says hello to people in the bar; but he uses a word that black people use. Lee not knowing of this intercultural communication, misuses this word and in term gets in a lot of trouble. 

It's seen again throughout the film series and especially in Rush Hour 3 when both Agent Lee and Detective Carter encounter an Asian man speaking French 

But what is to be reminded is Detective Carter learns what's proper and what's improper when engaging in intercultural communication. Throughout the film series the characters became brothers and understood how to communicate with each other through their cultures.

Friday, October 12, 2018


Communication is something that should be top tier for any type of relationship that you engage in. While communicating your wishes to be friends with someone, you have this inner talk with yourself. You evaluate if this person is up to par to be included in your life. If you don’t do this and you’re having issues with those in your life, YIKESSSSSS. 

But don’t worry because if you can see it, then you can fix it. And remember self love is important, IT'S THE KEY!!!! 

HOW CAN YOU LOVE SOMEONE IF DON'T LOVE YOURSELF.. COME ON NOW So if you sense toxic behaviors between you and your friends or any relationship you’re in (i.e talking down on your goals in life, using you for their own gain, not caring about you, not supporting you, etc). Just toxic behavior, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND CUT THEM OFF!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH SOMEONE WHO IS TOXIC TO YOUR INNER PEACE!!!!! 

But what happens if you realize that it’s you that has the toxic tendencies??? Then you should reevaluate how you treat people. As well as look within yourself. Remember no one around you can actually change you, only YOU CAN CHANGE YOU!!!! The fact that you realize that you have the toxic tendencies then you’re on your way to changing for the better. Also if you have friends that actually care for you and your mental health and state of mind, keep them close. Tell em you love them, swallow that pride and tell them you care about them, you don't know what people are going through behind the doors. 

Show love to family and friends!!!!!!!!!!! butdontforgettocheck ya SELF BEFORE YA RECK YASELF after all FRIENDS...HOW MANY OF US HAVE THEM!!!!??????????

Friday, October 5, 2018


 I saw a leaf on the ground and it made a crunch noise... so that means it's halloween timeeeeeeeee.............

this week movie suggestion is LIFE.  Let me tell you about my experience watching life, get ready because I'm really gonna give you this funny story lmaoothismoviereallyscaredmeooo.

So, it was around the time the Belko Experiment came out, and so my friends and I decided that we were going to watch that movie. We all communicated with one another that the Belko Experiment was the movie we were going to see. We had gotten to the movie theatre late and the last showing of the Belko Experiment had started. Everyone was bummed out, so we all decided on watching Life because we heard it was really good. While waiting for the movie to start, we were standing right outside of the movie room that was playing the Belko Experiment, we saw people literally walking out of the that movie room. Which was kinda bizarre, but the people coming out of the movie said that the movie was so disturbing they couldn't even finish watching it. 


Not only did it completely creep me out, the creature CALVINNNNNNNNNN CREEPED ME OUT!!!!!

Granted that it made me re-think space travel, it was still a great movie. it shows you the possibility of what could actually be in outer space. THE ENDING WAS THE MOST CREEPIEST PART AND TERRIFYING PART, I still have questions. A movie hadn't scared me that much since I saw The Ring for the first time as a child. And that is another story lmaoooothatmoviescarredmeforlifeooooo.

Life movie told by the Office

Me after watching Life

Me calling NASA ASAP no Rocky about Calvin 


Ever so often we come across conspiracy theories. To some they are believed to be true. There's so many research hours put into discovering if alien truly exist. There has been communication devices and signals sent out. We recently did a communication research and it was great, I knew the sounds and we had a feeling each place would be a certain dB wave. But can’t there be a sound that we can’t hear, it’s so faint that we can’t hear it??? Because what if there’s a communication device out there but we just can’t hear it. I wonder.... the experience was great to check out the different sound waves...but right now as you read this, there is a record player and information on our Planet Earth, floating in space, million of miles away from us. But to others, the conspiracy theories are just babble. One popular conspiracy theory is, aliens have visited Planet Earth and are walking amongst us. Now I'm not going to debunk it or give you some link to check it out for yourself as to whether Aliens exist or not. But however I will propose the question "what else is out there?" When the day come that we can actually beam ourselves to other galaxies, we won't know for sure. I guess that's the beauty of questioning, we can only hope to see it happen in our lifetime. What really lies beyond our milky way galaxy? We do know that there are other galaxies, but what we don't have the information on is, whether or not lifeforms exist within them. Everyone has this notion of a friendly alien coming to visit us and engage in our societal norms. Has anyone seen the Alien film franchise? Better yet HAS ANYONE SEEN THE MOVIE LIFE WITH RYAN REYNOLDS AND JAKE GYLLENHAAL??????????????!!!!!!!!!!
All I'm saying is if you think that when the time comes and Aliens do decide to visit the family cookout, they will be friendly??? I wouldn't count too much on it. Wouldn't it be out of this world... LITERALLYYYYY, if we happened to be the aliens????????? Could we manage with that sense of knowledge???????????  Will we ever find out if Aliens exist? Will they come and show us how to actually live with peace and harmony????

Find out on the next Dragon Ball Z!!!!!!!!!!

Me when I realize that Aliens might exist

Me when I realize that we may just be the Aliens

Me when I realize that Aliens are never coming here because we're too far

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Time is one thing that all of us wish we could hold. But we can't. We try and try to manipulate it. We set alarms to the time we want to wake up. We ignore them if we want. We set dates and hold celebrations around it. We try to attend things on time. But what is time? To some people if we can't hold nor manipulate it to our fullest control, is there really a concept named time? You can sit in one place and say that you're not going to move. But the outside world moves. We can only manipulate to a certain degree of time. You can say you were early for your job, but your boss can say that you were late.
The same thing applies when watching tv. When we watch tv, it's at a certain time. We can set the tv to record a show at a certain time. The whole idea of time and how people use tome reminds me of an episode of FRIENDS. In that episode the "IT" couple Rachel and Ross decided to take a break, well Rachel said they should take a break. Ross believing that it's over between them *spoiler alert* sleeps with another woman. Rachel finds out and she is heartbroken. The episode is one of the episodes that has me looking a different way. And what I mean is, when someone states that there should be a break in a relationship, it's stating you want to take a break in the time you're spending together while in the relationship. But what the character Rachel (played by the lovely Jennifer Aniston <3) doesn't realize is... time waits for no one. And you can't just go around and asking for a break and then do as you please and then decide to get back with that person.
Granted both were in the wrong but it sticks me that Rachel would think that time would wait for her. Once you take a break, you can never go back to the dynamic before. So when your professor asks why you didn't do your homework over the break, just tell them....

Friday, September 14, 2018

Learning about ASL and how it’s different from British Sign Language is one thing that I didn’t know. I thought that Sign Language was universal which is why it’s used all over the world. But it’s different versions of sign language. Whenever we watch a movie, there are signs that are conveyed nonverbally. For instance the movie Get Out, the message that is conveyed are in the racial undertones. There’s the main character who is seen as comfortable amongst his girlfriend and her family and friends. Then the best friend of the main character that was conveyed was uneasy. But to the audience it was seen as funny. As the movie continues the overall nonverbal tone is uneasy. The main character is uneasy and the audience is now uneasy. There’s something boiling and it’s starting to come to the surface. The ending is one of my favorite psychological thriller movie endings. Some people don’t see this movie as a thriller because of the nonverbal communication. It’s not communicated to them due in part to the basis of being relatable. A percentage of the audience didn’t find the main character POV relatable, but many did. The more you watch the movie, the more you start to pick up on the nonverbal communication. The more you see the racial undertones. It’s like the movie Scream. You watch Scream once and it’s creepy. You watch it again, you ask yourself how come you couldn’t see that these characters were the killers. You watch it again and you see the characters do something different and now everyone is a suspect. You watch it again and you start to have theories on everything in the movie, even to what the characters are wearing. You can pick up on a lot of nonverbal communication but figuring out what they actually mean is up for debate. Can we ever get the true meaning of things without having to verbally communicate the message. I find that once the message is verbally conveyed it takes away all of the other possibilities.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Left on read like the color of a stop sign

This week, we learned about the difference between verbal and nonverbal communication. Watching the video about Christine Kim and she used music and sounds, I really liked that. We can get so hung up on what we are saying but we forget that it’s also what were are not saying. You can say a lot by not saying a lot. To speak to someone is a choice, to not speak to someone is also a choice. Can you imagine if we decided to speak to every person we ever came in contact with? That would be exhausting for us. But at the same time you’re questioning well why don’t I want to say anything? Then the wheels start turning in your head and you think, hmmm let me say something, then you do and you completely regret it and you just want to curl up in your bed and watch tv. We’ve all been there, but we’ve also made amazing friendships and bonds with people because we decided to step out and say hello. Well not like Adele’s hello because that’s a different story for a different blog post.

With technology now, and the way that it’s continuing, it’s going to be even more difficult to decipher between verbal and non verbal. Someone once told me that the amount of technology and social media that we have just shows us the hurtful truth which is, people now have more ways of ignoring you. Before it was the silent treatment and now it’s, you’re left on read. Growing up, when you called someone and you didn’t get them, you’d call back later, or if they had an answering machine, you’d leave a message. Or like me who had a flip phone (sigh) for your answering machine message, you’d act like it was you who picked up the phone. Mine was “hello.... hello.... yeah... well I’m not here right now, but if you leave your name and number, I’ll get back to you.” It was funny. But now if someone doesn’t rely to you right away, it’s as if the world is ending, in your case, YOUR world is ending. But it isn’t. We’re so caught up on not being left on read that we forget to even call someone and see if they’re even alive!! Take some time to engage in verbal communication and not just smiley faces and silent treatments.

Saturday, September 1, 2018


Happy Fall!!!! It’s officially September, that means we can now watch all the horror, supernatural and zombie movies and YESSSS even Christmas movies without getting the side eye. One of my favorite horror movies would have to be Scream. As a child, I remember when the scream franchise was in full swing. The ghost face mask was EVERYWHERE!!!! And I was terrified EVERYWHERE!! It was as if the mask was following me. But as I watched it over and over again, I realized why I was afraid. I wasn’t afraid because of the mask (although it was creepy), I was afraid because there was another human being underneath that mask. And I believe that’s why the franchise is so well loved and followed, the idea that another human being with a beating heart can be causing so much death is frightening. But what’s even more frightening is that, you, yourself could become whoever is under that mask. The idea that we as human beings are capable of doing that can say a lot about our society. You start to question, well what made that person snap and start doing? The more scary thought is, what if they didn’t snap? Which is why Scream is one of my favorite movies to watch. Especially Jamie Kennedy’s rules to surviving a horror movie.

Fun fact : Scream was originally titled Scary Movie (which franchise I also love)

Tell Me A Lie

Communication is what fuels conversation. You can have verbal and nonverbal communication. But what about the truth? Can you be truly be honest in a conversation? You meet people and they tell you their lives and what’s going on but have you ever wondered if you told a lie would they believe you? But then of course if you make up an even bigger lie you’d have to keep it up. That in itself is exhausting. So why do people lie? Even to family or friends, people always bend the truth. But if the truth is hard to handle then how can it bend? One of my favorite commercials would have to be when the girl and a guy go on a date and instead of telling a lie about if they’re going to see each other again, they tell the truth and it’s hilarious. It’s hilarious because in our society telling a lie is easier than telling the truth. We can go in and on about why there’s a concept of a lie. Communication, we all want it, yet we all don’t realize that we have the capability to use it. You always hear, communication is key, which is true. But how can I communicate how I am feeling if you can’t receive that message. You don’t have to agree with everything I say, just receive the message. But we’re lazy and we want social media to do that for us. Communication is important because... we need donuts!!!!!