Friday, December 14, 2018

Communication 101

This is our last week blogging about communication. What I've learned from this class is, communication is a multi-level concept. When you say communication, it has to be understood that there's different levels of communication. And it's different when you're communicating with someone who's not familiar with your country communication ways. There's verbal and nonverbal communication. Verbal and nonverbal communication is different from the sexes, men communicate differently than women do.
Movies are a great way to show you how we communicate, because we tend to not see or believe anyone who tells us otherwise. We like to think that we are a master of communication, but we really aren't that great at it. We depend more on nonverbal communication than verbal communication when we are dealing with anyone. We watch their body language...right now you can even search up "7 types of body language to see if your date likes you" or something like that.

Communication, it's intricate and complex.

Have a great day and remember to communicate with each other; we need it to survive.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Is it horror if it's we experience it...firsthand?

This week we learned about rhetoric and analyzed how it's used in figurative ways. To me this reminds me of movies and how they can mirror and reveal our inner most deepest parts of our souls, we don't want anyone to know about. Horror movies do that same thing. For instance the movie Scream, the reason it's frightening is because no one truly knows who is underneath that mask. The idea that there could be someone you know or even you, yourself behind the mask. Now that's terrifying. The fact that a killer can be amongst us, is unsettling. Which is why I believe that franchise did so well. People came to watch the movie and got a rude awakening because it's showing how anyone of them can turn into an animal.

The next movie franchise that does this well is Saw. Now when this movie first came out I was terrified. I was a pre-teen and really didn't find Billy amusing. Billy is the puppet that rides in on the tricycle. And then he asks if you want to play a game. The entire franchise, is built on the idea of karma. Everyone in the franchise has done something to someone and it has caused a ripple effect that leads right back to the main character. So the main character puts these people through several games and challenges, and one by one they die. They die because they won't admit their wrong doings. This franchise shows us that as a society we would rather face the consequences than deal with the truth, we are a prideful society who can't admit their wrongs. Instead we lie, lie, lie through our teeth; we lie to the point that it becomes our reality.

Rhetoric is all around us, but we rather ignore it and pay attention to the nonsense. Acknowledge that it's there, it's there for a reason. Accept it.

Meanwhile here's a video about billy, this one is funny, not as chilling as he is in the franchise. Enjoy.